Friday, December 20, 2013

Fun Fact Friday - 20/12/2013

Tis the season!

   I was bored recently and started taking random Left/Right brained tests. Why? I was bored. I mean seriously, did you even read the beginning of the sentence???

   What did I find out?

   Most tests said that I was more right-brained then left-brained. I took four tests that all said I was Right-brained before I finally realized something. With each question relating to a personality, I realized that I would answer differently depending on where I was thinking about (like work, home etc.)

   What did I do?

   The next test, I took four different times. One for home, school, work, and church. I didn't look at any results (different tabs) and took one test after the other.

   When I finished each test, something surprised me. This time, I was more Left-brained than Right-brained overall.

   The home version was the only one that had me as Right-brained, but even then barely. But having four answers wasn't good enough for me, I averaged the results together with a weight relating to how much time during the week I spent in each.

   Some patterns I noticed:
1) At work I am extremely Left-brained. I work in the medical field. I often have people's lives (or quality of lives) in my hands. I want to make sure that I do the best job I can. I am organized. I make plans. I am more efficient.
2) At home, I am more Right-brained. I like to have more fun; I am more relaxed. At home I am comfortable doing things randomly or without pre-planning.
3) When others are involved, I tend to be Left-brained. Nothing quirky to say about this.
4) When my future is involved, I tend to be very down the middle. When I am thinking about the future of my family, I am more creative. When I am thinking about my future from a religious point of view, I am more logical. But with both instances, only barely. This could explain why I am constantly at odds with where I want to be in the future.
5) Whenever immediate results are needed, I am VERY Left-brained. This simply compliments the previous finding.

   The overall result was:

Left 61 / 39 Right

   I was shocked. From starting the series of tests with pretty much the opposite result, to ending with this.

   What could cause such a dramatic(not) change in results?
I think it was my method of taking the tests.
   When I first started I was just taking random tests and seeing what the results were. Oddly enough(not), the results led to a more Right-brain dominant result. Once I realized the potential for splitting my results, I got more Left-brained dominant results.

   Does your current thinking influence the answers you give?
I believe so. I think it alters the parts you focus on, and which you disregard.

   There have been several studies that I have read about over the years that mention the result of you thoughts in this way. The most recent being the Soul Pancake video with the effect of gratitude on happiness (watch it if you haven't).

   If you are more content with what you have, you will find more things to be content about.
Taking this with my current situation, when I was looking for random tests and going with the flow of Google, I was pulling more from the right side of my brain. Once that pattern started, it was easier for me to find more right-sided qualities whilst answering the questions.

   When I started taking the tests after making a plan, after organizing the results (which use more of the left side), my results started leaning towards the left-sided qualities.

   I really enjoyed this little discovery of mine.
No. I don't get out much.
   One thing this made me question, through a series of questions, was the difference between perceived skill, and enjoyment of said skill. The most notable being art. Some of the questions were Do you like drawing? My answer is always Very Accurate, Yes etc. but that doesn't mean I'm good at it. Would having a variation of that question yield some different results? For example:
1) Do you like drawing? Yes, could lean more towards the Right. No, doesn't necessarily lean either way. Enjoyment of something creative is usually right-brained. Not finding enjoyment in it doesn't really mean you hate it; hating it I could see as leaning Left.
2) Are you good at drawing? Yes, most-likely leans Right (but it also adds a bit to Left). No, most-likely leans Left. I think (answering honestly of course) understanding your own skill in a subject adds to your Left side a lot, even if it is a Right-sided skill.
3) How often do you draw? All the time, leans Right. Not a lot, leans Left. How often you spend with a skill is a great indicator from these tests. This is an almost direct variation of Do you like drawing, but the results will be different due to wording. Personally, I'd prefer this question, to question 1).

   I hope you guys found this interesting and take it to heart. What you look for, you will find. If you need some extra help with it, try living it and give your brain a head start on what to look for.

   I will leave those thoughts with you. And, as always,


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