Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Don't Dead Open Inside - S01:E02

   Convinced yet? I don't blame you if you aren't; it's a pretty hard sell.

   This episode has a ton of flaws in regards to my human/zombie theory; but it also has some defense against it to. Nevertheless let us continue with episode two...

   (Again, just note that I'm writing entirely based on my theory. If you want to compare, watch the episode at the same time. Also, if you haven't noticed by now, SPOILER ALERT *kind of*)


   Rick starts in the tank talking to Glen. Glen points out that if Rick waits too long the people upset about the horse, won't be upset and will hunt Rick again. Rick understands and follows Glen's advice.

   When Rick leaves the tank, somebody notices and shoots at him. Rick jumps off the tank and runs for Glen. Rick and Glen run through the alley and climb up a ladder. The reason that people stop chasing them up the ladder is because of a powerful acid lining the rungs. This is residue from Rick and Glen having just climbed up the ladder. (Sound odd? This is part of the "Left 4 Dead" theory in the notes below.)

   Glen leads Rick into their cage of a store after mauling two random people. Andrea is angry and tries to eat Rick's brains (he's a very new zombie, it has barely been a day), but everyone convinces her that he's a zombie just like everyone else. They point out that they are stuck in the store with hundreds of people trying to get in.

   They hear gunshots and head up to the roof. Merle is standing guard atop the building and people are shooting at him. They obviously miss, but everyone is furious that he is standing out in the open like he was. He gets upset and starts his racist rant, and Rick takes him out and cuffs him to the pipes.

   They try to escape through the sewers, but people sealed them in. These people, living in the sewers, know that zombie are dangerous and do not want to treat them the way others have been treating them. They have been ostracized and "exiled" for it (it still doesn't mean they're wrong though). The sewer people prevent the zombie group from escaping, so they are forced to concoct another plan.

   Rick FINALLY gets hungry, and he also thinks of an idea to get them out of their cage. They bring the bodies of the two people they killed inside and Rick explains his plan.

   They gut the bodies, and then put on their skin. This way, they look fresher and more like people. The two of them put white lab coats over their new coats (to cover up the loose hanging bits) and together they make their way over to the construction site. Off the bat, people notice that they are weird, but the world is full of weird people so they leave them alone. When it starts to rain, some of the more observant people notice (through the wet lab coats), that there are loose dangling bits underneath their clothes. They are force to make a break for it.

   They run over to the site and get in a truck. They drive away. Glen, just so happens to find his "dream car" and drives it as a distraction to the people. People are curious about the loud noise and are torn. Do they want a picture with a group of zombies, or do they want a picture of a zombie driving a car? They pick the car.

   In the meantime, Rick drives the truck in such a way that the rest of the group can escape except for Merle.

   Pay attention to the way people word things in this episode.
   When the "zombies" are trying to break the doors down, one of them has a rock. What zombie would hold a rock? What is the point? How does a rock benefit a zombie in any way (if they are trying to dehumanize them of course. Everyone knows rocks can be very helpful in any situation)?
   The "Left 4 Dead" theory: Here zombies are individuals with different powers due to mutations. Rather than having specified classes like they do in L4D (tank, witch and choker etc.), zombies just have some natural supernatural abilities. In this case, zombies are slightly acidic. This is why zombie bites cause you to catch a fever and die. You are really being poisoned with an acid that burns you from the inside out. People can't climb the ladder because the acid burns through their hands (they'll also later become zombies). The acid doesn't affect zombies the same way snake venom doesn't affect snakes.

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